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1. Adding Local IP to environment details

Although the default Portainer Web UI is plenty for managing docker containers, there are a few optimizations that can be made to increase ease of use:

Adding local/public IP to your Environment Details:

First begin by logging into your portainer instance

Next Press the button that looks like a plug socket


Next, Click on local


Next, Enter the server's local IP in the Public IP box.


Then, click Update Environment to save your configuration

Now, whenever, you click on the hyperlink for the exposed ports of the server in the example below, it will redirect you to http://<ip-address>:<port> instead of<port>


In this example, clicking on the 5080:80 hyperlink will redirect you to

You have now succesfully, added your local IP to portainer's environment details. This should hopefully help you avoid the need to type out your server's ip address every single time.