1. Creating Photoprism Template in Portainer
Photoprism is a versatile photo viewer and uploading tool that can be deployed in docker. It has a lot of intelligent features that rival that of google photos, and is thus definitely worth installing
Main Reasons for Photoprism:
It has a fantastic GUI
- It "indexes" your photos, and thus loading times are near instant. The only downside is that if you have a massive library it may take a few hours for all the photos to be auto indexed.
- Has an android Sync App
Adding Custom Templates:
version: '3.5'
# Example Docker Compose config file for PhotoPrism (Linux / AMD64)
# Note:
# - Running PhotoPrism on a server with less than 4 GB of swap space or setting a memory/swap limit can cause unexpected
# restarts ("crashes"), for example, when the indexer temporarily needs more memory to process large files.
# - If you install PhotoPrism on a public server outside your home network, please always run it behind a secure
# HTTPS reverse proxy such as Traefik or Caddy. Your files and passwords will otherwise be transmitted
# in clear text and can be intercepted by anyone, including your provider, hackers, and governments:
# https://docs.photoprism.app/getting-started/proxies/traefik/
# Documentation : https://docs.photoprism.app/getting-started/docker-compose/
# Docker Hub URL: https://hub.docker.com/r/photoprism/photoprism/
# see https://docs.photoprism.app/getting-started/docker-compose/#command-line-interface
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Start | docker-compose up -d
# Stop | docker-compose stop
# Update | docker-compose pull
# Logs | docker-compose logs --tail=25 -f
# Terminal | docker-compose exec photoprism bash
# Help | docker-compose exec photoprism photoprism help
# Config | docker-compose exec photoprism photoprism config
# Reset | docker-compose exec photoprism photoprism reset
# Backup | docker-compose exec photoprism photoprism backup -a -i
# Restore | docker-compose exec photoprism photoprism restore -a -i
# Index | docker-compose exec photoprism photoprism index
# Reindex | docker-compose exec photoprism photoprism index -f
# Import | docker-compose exec photoprism photoprism import
# To search originals for faces without a complete rescan:
# docker-compose exec photoprism photoprism faces index
# All commands may have to be prefixed with "sudo" when not running as root.
# This will point the home directory shortcut ~ to /root in volume mounts.
## Use photoprism/photoprism:preview for testing preview builds:
image: photoprism/photoprism:latest
- mariadb
## Don't enable automatic restarts until PhotoPrism has been properly configured and tested!
## If the service gets stuck in a restart loop, this points to a memory, filesystem, network, or database issue:
## https://docs.photoprism.app/getting-started/troubleshooting/#fatal-server-errors
# restart: unless-stopped
- seccomp:unconfined
- apparmor:unconfined
- "2342:2342" # HTTP port (host:container)
PHOTOPRISM_SITE_URL: "https://photos.kailashv.example.com/" # public server URL incl http:// or https:// and /path, :port is optional
PHOTOPRISM_ORIGINALS_LIMIT: 10000 # file size limit for originals in MB (increase for high-res video)
PHOTOPRISM_HTTP_COMPRESSION: "gzip" # improves transfer speed and bandwidth utilization (none or gzip)
PHOTOPRISM_LOG_LEVEL: "info" # log level: trace, debug, info, warning, error, fatal, or panic
PHOTOPRISM_PUBLIC: "true" # password_protection_enabled
PHOTOPRISM_READONLY: "false" # do not modify originals directory (reduced functionality)
PHOTOPRISM_EXPERIMENTAL: "false" # enables experimental features
PHOTOPRISM_DISABLE_CHOWN: "false" # disables storage permission updates on startup
PHOTOPRISM_DISABLE_WEBDAV: "false" # disables built-in WebDAV server
PHOTOPRISM_DISABLE_SETTINGS: "false" # disables settings UI and API
PHOTOPRISM_DISABLE_TENSORFLOW: "false" # disables all features depending on TensorFlow
PHOTOPRISM_DISABLE_FACES: "false" # disables facial recognition
PHOTOPRISM_DISABLE_CLASSIFICATION: "false" # disables image classification
PHOTOPRISM_DISABLE_RAW: "false" # disables indexing and conversion of RAW files
PHOTOPRISM_RAW_PRESETS: "false" # enables applying user presets when converting RAW files (reduces performance)
PHOTOPRISM_JPEG_QUALITY: 85 # image quality, a higher value reduces compression (25-100)
PHOTOPRISM_DETECT_NSFW: "false" # flag photos as private that MAY be offensive (requires TensorFlow)
PHOTOPRISM_UPLOAD_NSFW: "true" # allows uploads that MAY be offensive
# PHOTOPRISM_DATABASE_DRIVER: "sqlite" # SQLite is an embedded database that doesn't require a server
PHOTOPRISM_DATABASE_DRIVER: "mysql" # use MariaDB 10.5+ or MySQL 8+ instead of SQLite for improved performance
PHOTOPRISM_DATABASE_SERVER: "mariadb:3306" # MariaDB or MySQL database server (hostname:port)
PHOTOPRISM_DATABASE_NAME: "photoprism" # MariaDB or MySQL database schema name
PHOTOPRISM_DATABASE_USER: "photoprism" # MariaDB or MySQL database user name
PHOTOPRISM_DATABASE_PASSWORD: "photoprismdbpassword"some_secure_password" # MariaDB or MySQL database user password
PHOTOPRISM_SITE_DESCRIPTION: "Personal Photo Collection" # meta site description
PHOTOPRISM_SITE_AUTHOR: "KailashYour V"Name" # meta site author
## Run/install on first startup (options: update, gpu, tensorflow, davfs, clitools, clean):
# PHOTOPRISM_INIT: "gpu tensorflow"
## Hardware Video Transcoding (for sponsors only due to high maintenance and support costs):
# PHOTOPRISM_FFMPEG_ENCODER: "software" # FFmpeg encoder ("software", "intel", "nvidia", "apple", "raspberry")
# PHOTOPRISM_FFMPEG_BITRATE: "32" # FFmpeg encoding bitrate limit in Mbit/s (default: 50)
## Switch to a non-root user after initialization (supported IDs are 33, 50-99, 500-600, and 900-1200):
## Start as a non-root user before initialization (supported IDs are 33, 50-99, 500-600, and 900-1200):
# user: "1000:1000"
## Share hardware devices with FFmpeg and TensorFlow (optional):
# devices:
# - "/dev/dri:/dev/dri" # Intel QSV
# - "/dev/nvidia0:/dev/nvidia0" # Nvidia CUDA
# - "/dev/nvidiactl:/dev/nvidiactl"
# - "/dev/nvidia-modeset:/dev/nvidia-modeset"
# - "/dev/nvidia-nvswitchctl:/dev/nvidia-nvswitchctl"
# - "/dev/nvidia-uvm:/dev/nvidia-uvm"
# - "/dev/nvidia-uvm-tools:/dev/nvidia-uvm-tools"
# - "/dev/video11:/dev/video11" # Raspberry V4L2
working_dir: "/photoprism" # do not change or remove
## Storage Folders: "~" is a shortcut for your home directory, "." for the current directory
# "/host/folder:/photoprism/folder" # Example
- "/media/photos/photoprism/photos:/photoprism/originals" # Original media files (DO NOT REMOVE)
# - "/example/family:/photoprism/originals/family" # *Additional* media folders can be mounted like this
# - "~/Import:/photoprism/import" # *Optional* base folder from which files can be imported to originals
- "/media/photos/photoprism/photoprism:/photoprism/storage" # *Writable* storage folder for cache, database, and sidecar files (DO NOT REMOVE)
## Database Server (recommended)
## see https://docs.photoprism.app/getting-started/faq/#should-i-use-sqlite-mariadb-or-mysql
## If MariaDB gets stuck in a restart loop, this points to a memory or filesystem issue:
## https://docs.photoprism.app/getting-started/troubleshooting/#fatal-server-errors
restart: unless-stopped
image: mariadb:10.8
- seccomp:unconfined
- apparmor:unconfined
command: mysqld --innodb-buffer-pool-size=512M --transaction-isolation=READ-COMMITTED --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci --max-connections=512 --innodb-rollback-on-timeout=OFF --innodb-lock-wait-timeout=120
## Never store database files on an unreliable device such as a USB flash drive, an SD card, or a shared network folder:
- "./database:/var/lib/mysql" # DO NOT REMOVE
MARIADB_DATABASE: "photoprism"
MARIADB_USER: "photoprism"
MARIADB_PASSWORD: "photoprismdbpassword"some_secure_password"
MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD: "adfadfadfasdfasdfaf"
## Watchtower upgrades services automatically (optional)
## see https://docs.photoprism.app/getting-started/updates/#watchtower
# watchtower:
# restart: unless-stopped
# image: containrrr/watchtower
# environment:
# WATCHTOWER_POLL_INTERVAL: 7200 # checks for updates every two hours
# volumes:
# - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"
# - "~/.docker/config.json:/config.json" # optional, for authentication if you have a Docker Hub account
This Stack, will create a photoprism instance that is safe to be exposed to internet and includes password authentication. Ensure you go through the environment variables and change the settings as required. Make sure you read the comments clearly!!!
Once you are done, click on save template and deploy the stack. With that, you have successfully installed photoprism