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1. Boot from Install Media

Initial Setup of Ubuntu Server Install Ubuntu Server

To trigger the installation process, perform the following: Put the Ubuntu DVD into your DVD d...

Updated 2 years ago by kale

1. What is a NFS Share

Truenas Scale Configs Setting up NFS Shares

An NFS is a protocol that lets linux OSes, access a distributed file store. it stands for Network...

Updated 2 years ago by kale

3.Configuring Permissions of the Dataset of Pool

Truenas Scale Configs Setting up NFS Shares

Permissions with UID (User ID) you set on the client linux machine, will also change the permissi...

Updated 2 years ago by kale

1. Create Non-Root User with sudo permissions

Initial Setup of Ubuntu Server User Configuration

If you entered a user at the start of the ubuntu server install, then you do not need to do this ...

Updated 2 years ago by kale

2. Setting up key-based authentication

Initial Setup of Ubuntu Server User Configuration

Key-based authentication is where the client machine authenticates with the host using a long str...

Updated 2 years ago by kale

1. Install Docker

Initial Setup of Ubuntu Server Installing Docker

First, uninstall old versions of docker: sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine cont...

Updated 2 years ago by kale

3. Start Docker on Boot

Initial Setup of Ubuntu Server Installing Docker

Configure Docker Engine to start on boot: If you see yourself powering down your server at night...

Updated 2 years ago by kale

Getting Started

Initial Setup of Ubuntu Server Install Ubuntu Server

Creating Bootable USB Here is a list of few things you need to do: Using a tool like Balena E...

Updated 2 years ago by kale