1. Installing Bookstack
As with other docker apps in this book, we are going to be installing bookstack using docker compose (aka Portainer Stack)
Open your browser, and navigate to your Portainer Instance.
On the left-hand menu, click on Stacks
and then click on Add Stack
Enter a stack name, something like Bookstack
, and copy paste the following into the text box:
version: "2"
image: lscr.io/linuxserver/bookstack
container_name: bookstack
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- 'APP_URL=https://kvis.uk' #change this according to your requirements
- DB_HOST=bookstack_db
- DB_USER=bookstack
- DB_PASS=bookstack
- DB_DATABASE=bookstackapp
- /pathtobookstack/bookstack/config:/config # change this directory as desired
- 6876:80 #change the number on the right side to something that hasn't yet been used
restart: unless-stopped
- bookstack_db
image: lscr.io/linuxserver/mariadb
container_name: bookstack_db
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<yourdbpass> # put a very secure password here
- TZ=Europe/London
- MYSQL_DATABASE=bookstackapp
- MYSQL_USER=bookstack
- MYSQL_PASSWORD=bookstack
- /pathtobookstack/bookstack/database:/config #change this directory as desired
restart: unless-stopped
Go through comments on the docker compose text box written above, and edit as required.
If you are confused by PGID
and PUID
then please visit this link and come back here
Once everything is complete, press Deploy Stack
and wait a few minutes. Bookstack is quite a big program (Although not as big as nextcloud for obvious reasons), and thus it may take some time to install.
In addition to that, this program is very resilient. Simply copying your database and bookstack config directories to another machine and redeploying it works without issues
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